Understanding the Gifted Identification Process

Students are identified as gifted and talented based on their aptitude (reasoning and problem-solving skills), achievement on standardized assessments, and classroom performance. We use the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) to determine a student's aptitude. The CogAT is given to all 2nd and 5th graders as a universal screen and for 1st, 3rd, and 4th graders at the request of a parent or a teacher's recommendation. Standardized assessments include the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) and iReady.
Student performance is determined using a unique body of evidence for each student. The body of evidence could include a student's reading level as determined by their level on the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment, math assessments, written pieces of work, student interviews, and much more. We do not look at a specific score or set of scores to determine giftedness, but an overarching performance and achievement in the top 5% of their peers (national comparison, not within an individual school).
Once a student is identified, we work with the parents and student to write an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP). The ALP formalizes the differentiation that the classroom teacher makes to meet the student's academic and affective needs.