Welcome Letter

Hello Kindergarten Families,


I hope you are doing well and having a wonderful summer! I am looking forward to meeting my class soon! 


Below I have included some important dates and times coming up. I have included if the date is for all grades or kindergarten specific. I know many families have multiple students at the school. 


Drop Off/Pick Up on 8th or 9th:

Drop Off - Please walk your child to the front doors/flagpole on the 8th or 9th. We will meet you outside at your starting time (9:00 or 12:30).

Pick Up - We will walk the students out the front door/flagpole on the 8th and 9th. (11:30 or 3:00).


Balanced Beginnings Days:

Please pack your child a water bottle and a snack in their backpack (no lunch needed). If you have any supplies, please bring them on these days.


First Day for Kindergarten:

Our first day of full day school will be on the 11th. You can walk your child in and stay for a short story. After the story, you will get to say "see you later" and I will begin the day with my whole class. Please pack a water bottle, 2 snacks, a lunch from home, and a small stuffed animal (must fit in their backpack).





Upcoming Dates:

  • August 1st: Grades 1-5 will find out who their teacher is for the upcoming year.

  • August 5th: “Meet & Greet” from 1:00-3:00 pm. Students and parents are invited. Please bring school supplies. (This is for grades K-5)

  • August 8th or 9th:  Balanced Beginnings  Kindergarten only.

  • August 8th: First day of school for grades 1-5. (Kindergarten August 11th) 

  • August 10th:  NO school for kindies. Back to school night for kindergarten parents only. 

  • August 11th: First full day of school for kindergarten students.

  • August 11th: Back to school night for grades 1-5. Parents only.

  • August 11th:  Normal school day for kindergarten students.


Meet and Greet:

Meet and Greet is a time to come to the school and find your classrooms, meet the teachers, tour the school, and drop off school supplies. Students and parents are invited.


Back to School:

Back to school is for parents only. This is a time where you will get to learn about what your child will be doing in their specific grade from their teacher. *Kindergarten has a different day than the rest of the school.


I look forward to seeing everyone soon! I am excited to meet all my wonderful kindies!!!



Mary Hastings

Kindergarten Teacher

Timber Trail Elementary School

 "...Find out where joy resides, and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the joy is to miss all."

Robert Louis Stevenson